Consumer Survey Analysis.
For this project, our group conducted a qualtrics survey for 494 consumers who purchase golf apparel for themselves or their families in the United States. The survey was distributed using convenience sampling through social media and Amazon Mechanical Turk between September 10, 2021, and September 23, 2021. The survey is to understand consumer's demographic, sustainability perception, sports participation motivation (Ostentation, Social Interaction, Self Development, Psychological Health, and Physical Health), functionality need (active & comfort function, body protection & physical function, and skin protection & health function), and golf and golf apparel purchase behavior.
The research found that the age average is 37.61 years old, out of the 494 evaluated consumers. Out of all the 494 consumers,
181 of them were between the ages of 30- 39; with the majority of survey takers being male and caucasian. The average household income is between $25,000- $50,000 a year. The majority of the consumers have a bachelor's degree. Golfer all have there preference to what time they play golf. Out of our 494 consumers, the majority with 68% of golfers like to play in either the early morning or just morning times. The frequency of golf playing to most was once a week and most played at a public golf course. The frequency of purchasing golf wear was once every couple of months. The top three desires golf wear brands were Nike, Adidas, and Under Armor, while a vast majority prefer golf wear made out of cotton. The five top qualities consumers look for in golf wear are as followed: price, quality comfort, and fit. Most of the consumers have had experience with cotton apparel purchases while the intend to purchase cotton golf apparel is 74%. It was also found that the consumers will pay for premium golf wear but are looking for casual cotton golf wear.